Current auctions

Algarve Golden Race Million Euro 2024 - Lote 7-5

Algarve Golden Race Million Euro 2024 - Lote 7-5

GOLDEN RACE ALGARVE- MILLION EURO PIGEON RACE- AUCTIONS 2024 IPE presents for auction 10 lots of pigeons that arrived from the final, after participating in 11 training sessions, 6 HOTSPOT + the final race, a true selection of pigeons from the best pigeon fanciers in the world and that will raise the quality level of any breeding colony, in any loft LIST OF ALL AUCTIONS If you are not yet registered with IPE_AUCTIONS, you can do so by filling in all the registration fields, as registrations without complete information, including the shipping address of the pigeons, will not be accepted. (delivery address) Before you start bidding, please check the shipping policy on our website -

Auction start: Friday 29/11/2024 22:30:00
Auction end: Friday 06/12/2024 21:45:00
Auction finished

#1 DE24-3391-473 DE 1462-AM 473

Breeder: Andreas Moeller-A
Classification: 77
Ace pigeon: 616

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#2 SK24-1905-350 SK 6351-Cremes

Breeder: Miroslav Vidhold-C
Classification: 157
Ace pigeon: 61

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:35:00

Auction finished

#3 ES24-101104 ES 3399-Noa

Breeder: Team Galan
Classification: 237
Ace pigeon: 1168

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#4 DE24-472-613 DE 2074-My Favorit

Breeder: Team Trepte, Arndt & Marcus
Classification: 317
Ace pigeon: 751

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#5 ES24-154715 ES 2868-V 715

Breeder: Veselin Valentinov-K
Classification: 397
Ace pigeon: 905

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#6 DE24-8988-211 DE 1892-HB 4

Breeder: Hubert Borker
Classification: 477
Ace pigeon: 80

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#7 BE24-4096439 BE 75-Son Alanus

Breeder: Brockamp - Pipa Elite Center-B
Classification: 557
Ace pigeon: 1647

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#8 ES24-52605 ES 3186-MA 2

Breeder: Team Marin Avram
Classification: 637
Ace pigeon:

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#9 DE24-2055-273 DE 2432-Cera

Breeder: Bevermann
Classification: 717
Ace pigeon: 650

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#10 SK24-1905-335 SK 6352-Conchita

Breeder: Miroslav Vidhold-C
Classification: 797
Ace pigeon: 1367

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:35:00

Auction finished

#11 DE24-5978-792 DE 1232-OK 792

Breeder: Oberkraemer
Classification: 877
Ace pigeon: 1582

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#12 SK24-307-436 SK 6326-Hari

Breeder: Tatry Derby
Classification: 957
Ace pigeon: 972

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#13 UK24-N 8202 UK 6787-Bordon Dave

Breeder: Bordon Lofts
Classification: 1037
Ace pigeon: 1626

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#14 NL24-2434021 NL 4338-Janis

Breeder: Comb. van Wanrooij-G
Classification: 1117
Ace pigeon: 137

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:35:00

Auction finished

#15 ES24-102335 ES 2711-Bairro 5

Breeder: Leal De La Flor & Valero
Classification: 1197
Ace pigeon: 840

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#16 PT24-4275018 PT 5444-Golden 018

Breeder: Vasco Agonia
Classification: 1277
Ace pigeon: 1989

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#17 DE24-2241-302 DE 1591-Gold 302

Breeder: Team Kornelius+Wolf-D
Classification: 1357
Ace pigeon: 462

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#18 PT24-4021922 PT 5354-Dorina 4

Breeder: Clemente Bexiga-B
Classification: 1437
Ace pigeon: 463

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#19 PT24-4107009 PT 5574-Rosana 09

Breeder: RR Team
Classification: 1517
Ace pigeon: 770

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:35:00

Auction finished

#20 UK24-N 47120 UK 6863-Padginton

Breeder: Cornish Maids
Classification: 1597
Ace pigeon:

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#21 ES24-60002 RO 5997-JD 6

Breeder: Julian Dinu-B
Classification: 1677
Ace pigeon: 1955

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#22 SM24-4028 SM 6432-Evolution 4

Breeder: Pigeon Evolution Center
Classification: 1757
Ace pigeon: 1928

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#23 DE24-321-462 DE 849-Rodrygo 462

Breeder: Brockamp Racing Team-A
Classification: 1837
Ace pigeon: 1490

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:35:00

Auction finished

#24 IE24-S 139943 IE 3677-Grace

Breeder: Sean Hunt & Family
Classification: 1917
Ace pigeon: 853

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#25 IE24-S 16264 IE 3824-Amya

Breeder: Briscoe
Classification: 1997
Ace pigeon:

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#26 UK24-TN 1592 UK 6879-Holywell 92

Breeder: Hollands Homers
Classification: 2077
Ace pigeon: 577

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#27 DE24-3094-1789 DE 1234-Captain Goofy

Breeder: KMHJ-A
Classification: 2157
Ace pigeon: 1818

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00

Auction finished

#28 FR24-59327 FR 3504-Lucky Tijn

Breeder: Abou-Nael Loft
Classification: 2237
Ace pigeon:

Auction finished 06/12/2024 21:30:00