Current auctions

Algarve Golden Race Million Euro 2024 - Lote 7-2

Algarve Golden Race Million Euro 2024 - Lote 7-2

GOLDEN RACE ALGARVE- MILLION EURO PIGEON RACE- AUCTIONS 2024 IPE presents for auction 10 lots of pigeons that arrived from the final, after participating in 11 training sessions, 6 HOTSPOT + the final race, a true selection of pigeons from the best pigeon fanciers in the world and that will raise the quality level of any breeding colony, in any loft LIST OF ALL AUCTIONS If you are not yet registered with IPE_AUCTIONS, you can do so by filling in all the registration fields, as registrations without complete information, including the shipping address of the pigeons, will not be accepted. (delivery address) Before you start bidding, please check the shipping policy on our website -

Auction start: Friday 29/11/2024 22:30:00
Auction end: Thursday 05/12/2024 22:00:00
Auction finished

#1 DE24-9992-583 DE 1197-Rosalie

Breeder: C. Schwarm + M. Wiesnet-A
Classification: 87
Ace pigeon: 11

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#2 IE24-S 99929 IE 3787-Algarvo 29

Breeder: Andy Quirke-E
Classification: 167
Ace pigeon: 52

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#3 DE24-5369-10 DE 1377-Ernst 4

Breeder: Ernesto
Classification: 247
Ace pigeon: 629

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:50:00

Auction finished

#4 RO24-664041 RO 6035-Dragon 41

Breeder: Dragos Chiritescu
Classification: 327
Ace pigeon: 180

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#5 IE24-S 116478 IE 3720-Shannon

Breeder: St. Pauls Premier RPC
Classification: 407
Ace pigeon: 330

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:50:00

Auction finished

#6 BE24-5096456 CN 735-Doortje 456

Breeder: Petre-Tang Lei-B
Classification: 487
Ace pigeon: 343

Auction finished 05/12/2024 22:00:00

Auction finished

#7 BG24-1054 BG 483-Angelov 2

Breeder: Dian Angelov-A
Classification: 567
Ace pigeon: 863

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#8 DE24-6573-348 DE 2522-Hanzi

Breeder: Schenker
Classification: 647
Ace pigeon: 648

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:50:00

Auction finished

#9 NL24-8514309 NL 4422-Jamie

Breeder: Zandverstuiving-B
Classification: 727
Ace pigeon: 1244

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#10 DE24-5920-362 DE 2036-Grideulandina 1

Breeder: Ammura & Bruder-A
Classification: 807
Ace pigeon: 692

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#11 UK24-N 8218 UK 6789-Bordon Arlo

Breeder: Bordon Lofts
Classification: 887
Ace pigeon: 1038

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:50:00

Auction finished

#12 IE24-S 98611 IE 3895-Celtic JPD

Breeder: Highway Lofts-B
Classification: 967
Ace pigeon: 1748

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:55:00

Auction finished

#13 ES24-176245 ES 3336-Victoria

Breeder: Santona
Classification: 1047
Ace pigeon: 858

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#14 IE24-S 53997 IE 3612-Ferrari 997

Breeder: Maurice O Donnell & Alan-Linda
Classification: 1127
Ace pigeon: 834

Auction finished 05/12/2024 22:00:00

Auction finished

#15 DE24-1906-482 DE 1862-In the Air Tonight

Breeder: Halunder Moat
Classification: 1207
Ace pigeon: 1124

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#16 DE24-6220-100 DE 2445-FP 7

Breeder: Frankenpower-B
Classification: 1287
Ace pigeon: 613

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#17 NL24-8520472 NL 4640-Joy

Breeder: Team Vissers-Baris-B
Classification: 1367
Ace pigeon: 1198

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:50:00

Auction finished

#18 NL24-8208084 NL 4295-HEJK 6

Breeder: Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp-B
Classification: 1447
Ace pigeon: 231

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#19 PT24-4210481 PT 5712-P 1

Breeder: Irmaos Tavares-A
Classification: 1527
Ace pigeon: 1100

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#20 BG24-76143 BG 471-Spasov 5

Breeder: Asen Spasov
Classification: 1607
Ace pigeon: 1611

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#21 BE24-6159132 BE 124-DMDM 8

Breeder: Wouters Michel-Debecker Michel-B
Classification: 1687
Ace pigeon: 739

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:55:00

Auction finished

#22 DE24-6410-3338 UK 6955-Walter

Breeder: The Spreads
Classification: 1767
Ace pigeon: 1719

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#23 NL24-8086862 NL 4649-The 862

Breeder: Van Der Veen A.-B
Classification: 1847
Ace pigeon: 1482

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#24 SK24-401-1002 SK 6389-A R 2

Breeder: A R Team Bohac
Classification: 1927
Ace pigeon: 2072

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#25 BE24-5005992 MA 4080-AH 7

Breeder: Ben de Keijzer-B
Classification: 2007
Ace pigeon: 2167

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00

Auction finished

#26 BE24-4091338 RO 5950-FS 14

Breeder: Florea Sorin-C
Classification: 2087
Ace pigeon: 1485

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:55:00

Auction finished

#27 DK24-68-611 DK 2700-LRP 4

Breeder: Lyndby Racing Pigeons
Classification: 2167
Ace pigeon: 826

Auction finished 05/12/2024 21:45:00